How to set up a therapist account (RBTs and Analysts)
- Create the therapist
- How to add a new assistant (RBT)
- How to add a new Analyst
- How to add a new coordinator
- Assign therapists to the case
- How to manage client-therapist assignments
- How to assign analysts to review specific notes
- Add the documents
- How to add new documents for assistants, analysts, coordinators and staff members
- How to update Assistant, Analyst, Coordinator, and Staff documentation (add a new version)
* Review documents uploaded by the employees themselves
- How to upload documents for review (only for RBTs and analysts)
- How to review RBTs and Analysts uploaded documents (Staff Members Only)
- Add a restriction
- How to add a restriction for assistants and analysts
- Define Therapist Pay Rates
- How to Change Employees Pay Rates
In order to set up a new therapist in the ABA Matrix system, you must ensure that you complete these steps:
Create the therapist:
The first step is to add the therapist to the database, which you can do by following the steps shown in these guides:
For RBT (System Assistant) accounts:
For Analyst accounts:
For Coordinator accounts:
Assign therapists to the case:
To start working, each client must be assigned to their therapists. You can do this as follows:
You can decide which analyst reviews whose notes (RBT and/or BCaBA) like this:
Add the documents:
You can add all the documentation of both your clients and your employees to their profiles like this:
Create Documents:
To create new documents in the profile of an employee, whether is an analyst or an RBT, just follow these steps:
Edit or Update Documents:
If your agency uses a predetermined folder structure for employees accounts, you will see that structure when you create a new employee. You can update these documents for each specific therapist and upload new versions as needed. Here’s how:
* Review documents uploaded by the employees themselves:
If you want your employees to upload their own documents, all you have to do is review and approve them before moving on to the employee profile:
Employees can upload their own documents this way:
Staff can review them later, this way:
Add a restriction
Define Therapist Pay Rates
When creating the account, you must define the pay rate, but you can change it later like this: